Friday, May 30, 2008

Indiana Dumbass and the Last Ticket Stub

Last one. The first panel is true. I ended the conversation with *Ironically, Tom gets shot in a drive-by at the movie theater*. Or something like that. Also, "Irony's a bitch" would make an excellent epitaph.

Pretty odd to draw your avatar getting shot in the chest, I gotta admit.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

So Close...

Almost done with the last of the Indiana Dumbass series. It'll be up Friday. It actually has a funny backstory to it.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Indiana Dumbass 3

The school's internet wouldn't let me post the comic this morning, so here it is. The balloon thing is a reference to the old point-and-click Indiana Jones game "Fate of Atlantis".

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Indiana Dumbass 2

Really enjoying these. Sorry about the language, but it fit too well to edit out. There are two more of these for next week. (I am aiming for a twice a week update from now on.)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Indiana Dumbass, Part One

I really do like these. And I am looking forward to the movie on Thursday. Bought a cheap Indiana Jones hat from Blockbuster on a whim, and I look retarded in it.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Indiana Dumbass and the Gold Zelda Cartridge Doodles

See? I have been working. These will be colored and done for next week.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Last Mistake

Bullhonkey. Her name isn't Sophie. It's Sophia. She would stand there and guard the balloon.
The art in the first panel is more of how I draw now. A bit more realistic. But it didn't work for a very exasperated Tom.

Monday, May 12, 2008

I decided this might be worth the lack of comics. It is one of my final projects. The really evil one.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Comics are back Underway!

Yes, it is true. The comics will be returning, probably by Monday. I have a couple done (they are handdrawn on paper now, then photoshopped), so I just have to color them in. I like this process a lot better.

In the mean time, it is 85 degrees here, and I found this on a flash drive I was cleaning out. Our snowblower died. This was NOT fun to shovel. It was also not fun having all the snow from the garage roof fall right in front of me once I was done.